Helicoptering Manifesto


1.      Helicoptering - keep in mind – that is all about spirituality.

2.      Helicoptering – that is the mostly direct mechanical up-rising we ever know (exception could be made for the rocket, but it not so easy available for the art sake. At least at the present moment).

3.      Helicoptering gives the biggest results to be executed in the frame of the art event and should hold only the escapist character.

4.      Helicoptering is not the subject for professional art criticism, simply because it is out of their experience (there is not recommended to include them into the crew). The sense obtained during the helicoptering is incomparable with that got at airplane or in Radisson-SAS type hotel.

5.      Helicoptering has nothing inherited from military or police mode of surveillance from the helicopters. Increasing popularity of the movement would reduce State control over the individual from above. It will be turned into the State control from the ground.

6.      During the helicoptering artists are free as birds are. And they look similarly from the ground.

7.      Helicoptering has nothing social about its own mission.

8.      Helicoptering is very much about aesthetics: the sense of beauty is very essential for the artist in the helicopter and the helicopter looks nice in the sky.

9.      Helicoptering is an Anti-Avant-Garde movement: instead of turning art spectator into the art maker it turns art maker into a merely passenger. The passenger from nowhere to nowhere (the term coined by Sakiko Yamaoka – ZCCA-Libuđin at Saitama (Japan)).

10.  Possible also different combinations with the drugs taken before the flight – that ensures the off-line sense for the practician.


Practical note: while helicoptering in UK please take into account that there is not allowed to fly with ice skates. What makes the problem even deeper – there is not allowed to fly without shoes in UK too…but if artist is persistent enough he could secure even unpredictable results.


[Redas Dirţys, 2006  Alytus]